Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hey people!

The mission team is coming back tmr! yay...i think 9? or 7? hmmm...

anyway, i hope that many souls have been saved, lives transformed, and villagers going back to the Lord, and not to their old ways.

I really miss the kids, esp. Ahji, ah huai, guo rong, guo yi. feifei&gang...etc...
haha. and i think they miss me too! must have been so disappointing when i didn't appear this time. ohman...but i have term exams and loads of other stuff!! argh..

If God wants me to go back in Dec... YES! i wanna =p
haha.i wanna see how they're doing. heheh...with all the modernisation and stuff...
(some families even have tvs!!!)
and i wanna see their spiritual growth. and phy growth...in the kids :) spread the gospel to those who haven't believed!!!! Yay.
haha to think about it now.... it's so exciting!

i think in dec, they'll be a super huge group going. maybe even 2!and alot of youths? yay.. so u youths out there! start praying now, for the timing... etc... ! and let God prepare ur hearts.. (and mine too)! haha :)

yup. we should keep on praying for Yun Hua Chun even if the mission team isn't there. haha don't abandon them in your prayers!

pray for the mission team now, as they are gonna leave the village for chiang rai today, and come home tmr. Pray for a safe journey/ flight, and that all will be healthy :)

awwww..somemore tears will flow! and trees destroyed (due to the excessive use of tissue paper!) haha. anway. yup. HEY! keep this yunhuachun blog active k? i hope....hahah!!!

God bless the people in yhc and the mission team!


My lips shall praise Thee[[12:07]]

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hmmm... it have been a long time... since i receive a call from YHC... but today i happen to receive their call again... & they told me that they have a sat night service but not much people go... but on sunday quite alot of pplz go.. and their weather have turn well... and they do not have skool again... & i wasnt clear why... coz the phone wasnt that clear... Lets continue to hold them in our prayers...!

PEOPLE = children


My lips shall praise Thee[[20:24]]

Saturday, January 07, 2006

heya all `chunners! how has it been?? school? any memories or short flashbacks to yunhuachun?

well i dreamt of yunhuachun in a not so rural village. it was like the village had somehow transformed into a more sci-fi/tech world. but not all of it. and it didn't seem to change the lives of the simple villagers we saw. it was like this. i stepped up a travelator, sat on it with one of the yhc boys. it seemed more like a conveyor belt i was sitting on. it was thin and kinda went around the village like you know those monorail. then there was a terminus to this monorail, which we ended up in. i was chatting with the boy and he kinda seemed upset that i'd forgotten his name. but hey, he gave me a wrong name. i knew that name he gave me was wrong. how obviously, i have truly forgotten that boy's name. in real life, yes. but it was interesting. we went through a spiral, like the one at the jurong swimming complex. i became very giddy as we both tumbled down the slide. then we ended up in a room. we could either choose to continue down the spiral or enter the room. i chose the latter to check it out. it was a salon. i saw a few elderly ladies. the whole image is just so high-tech. so you've gotta feel high-tech yea? i asked the people in the room. Salon? (in mandarin) i then heard preacher chwee lan's voice. Ya. Salon. interesting eh? i can't remember if i'd continue to go down the spiral or chose to walk through the salon and into the main building. i only remember feeling giddy. which i knew wasn't real, because i was dreaming. so i opened my eyes. and yeah. no more giddiness.

what can i learn from this? someone enlighten me, please. i think it shows at least one thing. that i've forgotten alot about yunhuachun. and to all those who have just went. you may forget them, if you've not tried hard to remember. if you let your daily lives be affected by them, or if you let your daily lives be affected by the fire and fervour for God, it can be both good and bad. but remember to try to keep the fire burning. it may cease to glow one day, like mine.

i was full of passion and the Holy Spirit when i came back. the first person i spoke to about Christ, evangelical, was after my return from yunhuachun. i was just so touched that i didn't think of my usual fears or embarassment. remember if we fix on God, our own fears will slowly disappear and seem unimportant at all. i thank God for the other chances, like fop and the new year's eve retreat, that He brought me back again. God has always brought me back first. He always seeks us first. so let's thank God for who He is. another thing to note. i'm a rather emotional person. so emotions and true foolhardiness led to a series of wrong choices and actions. it was both embarassing and hurtful. so i urge all those who've just gone to be wise, and be careful. if you're touched, don't rely on yourself and your own emotions to judge what should be done. rely on God. not on your own emotions or feelings. you may turn the whole blessed trip to yunhuachun against you, because of your wrong actions after your return. God bless-


My lips shall praise Thee[[11:38]]

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

heya all `chunners!

this is a temp skin i've come up with.. sorry ar. i was filled with anxiety while doing it. please forgive. because i was thinking also if anyone would be checking back now and then to see if there has been any changes. haha..

hope to have the aid of joel and jeremy to improve the skins! =)

if you've found any thing unsatisfactory, or unable to work, please let me know yea? thanks =))

may we continue to praise the Lord and glorify His name!


My lips shall praise Thee[[22:00]]

Now... a post from Joel...
Ya know Eman, when you said at Vinz' house that you don't mind giving up your place for others, because you want to give others a chance to experience what you've experienced... That was pretty much what I was thinking after coming down after the first trip. But little did I expect that God would touch me once again... to go up a second time...
But at the same time, I realised that (just like Pastor Ephraim shared) the opportunity may not always be there. I might have internships, I might not always be physically fit... The most important thing is that we seize the opportunity. And for now, it's grabbing the opportunity to pray for them. You know the Singtel commercial, "be a whisper away"? I think sometimes, a prayer is like that.
Seize the day! God works through anyone, at anytime... Let's keep ourselves prepared always.

My lips shall praise Thee[[00:41]]

Saturday, December 31, 2005


The children there back at YHC this week do not have lessons in Thai school... as their school got some major inter school sports compeition... so those who did not take part got the advantage of 1 week no school...But they still had lessons in the chinese school, which is the school we taught in, and lessons start at 5.30pm...anyway, I was oso told that the weather there is very cold... as there is no sight of the Sun throughout the day... So I guess it muz be freezing throughout the day for them... & i guess no one will go to the River or the Waterfall these days... hahax...



My lips shall praise Thee[[07:29]]

Thursday, December 29, 2005

hello hello..! here's a post from tim.

i had gone up to yhc last year. but we didn't think of acronyms for it. other than our M5. or Mission 5.. haha. anyways. i do have some thoughts to post. and i do encourage all of us who post to think through before putting our thoughts up yeah? =)

i'd got a call from Unknown around 2030 today. it was kinda strange because the voice was unclear, but distinct. i recognised it shortly later to be my student, rong ju's voice. it was kinda interesting i feel, as i excused myself from the dinner people.. i tried to chat, but couldn't really think of words to say. ironically, i fared slightly better than a normal conversation. while trying to speak casually, i realised where i was.

i was in my room. concrete and all.. 8 floors from the ground. and i thought about it when i told her i was at home.. i thought of where her home was. and what it was made of. my mind slowly went back to yun hua chun. into the mountains and houses made of wood. to where i was told the two trees on the end of the mountain was the border of the kingdom. and that flash-back to last december took me some time. i'd been speaking to her like a friend for awhile, then recalled the differences i once had to settle with (myself). it's sweet of her for that 3minutes or so call. and that call really put me back to the past. my life when it took an enormous turn. when i really experienced God and experienced a lot more than what i'll ever have. yun hua chun was my life. and i was like ruth and eman. still mad for them even after my return. sadly, i got the attention of the other voices ringing on me. but i thank God for that experience. and that learning point, which i hope will help the rest of us to continue learning everyday. that we will think of ourselves and them, and what we were when we were there as well. and reflect on our lives daily. the phone call came as a reminder for me to continue the prayers for them, which i'd stopped for sometime. and my promise to return next year. and the 2nd time, i'll have to learn from another perspective. it's good to hear brothers like jared and joel returning, and with a different mindset and all. i think i'll start preparing myself and my heart for next year, starting with what i can do for them-

the house of concrete and the house of straw

My lips shall praise Thee[[23:06]]

Ah Ji Fan Club : Eman & Ruth

Fan Mail

To our dearest Ah Ji:

We know you can't read this because they're no computers there. But we really miss you! thanks for everything. for teaching us thai games, being with us and loving us:) Reeeaally enjoyed your wonderful company when we were in Yun Hua Chun.
Thinking back....song song jie lao shi and yimin lao shi reaallly miss u!
Hope you continue to faithfully attend sunday school and pray daily! We'll always be praying here for all of you.
I know you can't read english too. i forgot. but it's okay.

If God wants us to go back next year, i'm sure He'll make a way. And then we would be able to see you again next year, and help the people at yhc. So for now, just continue to trust in Him, and be a good girl.(we know u are :) )

I soooo wish u could get this letter. but i hope you have already recieved the ones we wrote to u when we were in geng yun zong xin.

We would continue to remeber you and all the yun hua chuners... In prayer and in daily life.

More fan mail to you too.

I guess that's all for now.
Lots and lots of LOVE.

-Yimin lao shi (Ruth)....and also Song jie lao shi (eman)


My lips shall praise Thee[[21:18]]

Help me. somebody. ok. this is our 2nd yhc blog. we transfered it to this accnount. hope u all don't mind.

someone just called yesterday from Yun hua chun. don't know who it was. AND I WAS OUT! ahhhh...so saaad.

we're abit lost messed confused now.
i dunno why.
ok. nvm.

My lips shall praise Thee[[20:37]]

Yun Hua Chun
People with a heart for The Lord
Pebbles with the love for them

new skin's up!
it'll be temporary till further notice :D

Jeremy Ong
Tim Tay

Photo of the Week/Month

December 05

Our Voices